Next Generation

The average age of Yerevan club’s futsal players is below 25 years which is one of our important achievements.

Due to the brilliant performances of the club, most of our futsal players have also played in Armenian National team.

Both in the National team and in the club, we have professional veterans who always support young players and give them power, confidence and motivation in every match.

Among the veterans of the club we have Hakob UzunyanGaregin MashumyanSaro Galstyan and Hamlet Manukyan.

The youngest players of the team are Gevorg DidaryanArthur PatatyanRobert Margaryan and Arsen Sargsyan.

They are all under 22 years but have managed to show their best qualities in the current tournament.

Even in the most important matches, the 3 goalkeepers get playing time. Arthur and Artyom are also periodically invited to the National team and Gevorg who being only 18 years old already stands out with a reliable game. Arthur gets more playing time among these 3 goalkeepers.
Arthur Patatyan despite his short height, modest look and one year of playing experience, he is very dangerous for the competitors’ defenders and have managed to play in the National team. Robert and Arsen usually appear in the field together and their cooperation mainly ends with a goal. Arsen’s elder brother Aram shows a brilliant performance in the club and this also gives a huge confidence to Arsen.

One of the primary goals of the team management is:

  • open a futsal school, have many young players who will ensure the long-term success of the team,
  • to fulfill this, coaches have a goal to achieve the maximum in all leagues: to become Champion in Armenian Premier League, to have the best possible performances in the European Champions League and to pass the first 2 group stages.

We believe in our team.